Archive for October, 2010

Nils Noren at the PCI

Yesterday my father and I attended a demonstration by Nils Noren.   The Professional Culinary Institute in Campbell was having an open house, and Nils was invited as a guest chef from the French Culinary Institute in NYC.  Nils is vice president of culinary and pastry art at French Culinary Institute and an author of the blog along with Dave Arnold.  An article featuring him and Dave recently appeared in Time Magazine,8599,2020554,00.html.  The demonstration we attended was comfortably small and we got to see him working up close.

He demonstrated the usage of a chamber vacuum sealer by collapsing mini marshmallows and infusing diced apples with curry oil (you can read about the latter technique here: ).  He also demonstrated the preparation of a  seared scallop dish.  As the audience was small, we were able to sample the dish.  The seared scallop was accompanied by marinated salmon roe, coconut fluid gel, curried leeks with golden raisins, curry-oil infused apple, egg cream, and Thai basil.

After the demonstration I had a chance to meet Nils.  He is easy to talk to, a very unpretentious guy.

As I am considering enrolling in the Professional Culinary Institute, I was encouraged by the partnership between the French Culinary Institute and the Professional Culinary Institute.  Students and alumni will be able to access the French Culinary Institute community page.

Next Monday I plan to be at the Commonwealth Club of  California in San Jose for a lecture by Harold McGee.


Who wants just another food blog?

Since late 2005, I have made a habit of being a causal food blog reader.   My interest in food and cooking in general began in early 2005.  If we go back before that my interest was in visual arts, and if we rewind to when I was a young child, my primary interest was in building with legos.  I like to think that I have always had a creative inclination.

As of today, I am aspiring to be a chef.  The idea that starting a food blog could facilitate the process did not occur to me.  however, I have been urged to start a food blog by multiple individuals, and at some point the idea began to make sense.

I have procrastinated long enough.  The blog that I now hope to write will be a chronicle of my journey.  Along the way, I plan to post recipes, musings on culinary philosophy, and perhaps the occasional cookbook/restaurant review.   Enjoy.

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© Daniel Shih Deciphering Cuisine 2010.